Friday 6 April 2012

The International Coven of Christian Wicca blog


I'm PJ, the pastor of the International Coven of Christian Wicca (ICCW), and I thought that it would be a good idea to make a blog for the official website (

So what is Christian Wicca, and what is the ICCW?

There are many forms of Christian Wicca, but they are all a blend of Wicca and Christianity - some may be more Wiccan than Christian, and others more Christian than Wiccan. Some may even be 50-50.

But how can that be? How can you combine a religion that preaches against witchcraft (Christianity) with a religion that encourages witchcraft (Wicca)?

Well that depends on how much of the Christian bible you believe is true. If you believe it's all true, then absolutely, Wicca and Christianity can no be combined. But there are many Christians who believe that the bible was inspired by God, but is not the 100% accurate Word of God. So if you believe that, or you believe Christianity is about a personal relationship between you and Jesus Christ, then, as Wicca doesn't ban belief in Jesus (Wiccans can believe in many gods and goddesses for example), then it's actually possible to combine Wicca and Christianity.

But what about the ICCW?

The ICCW is first and foremost a Wiccan organisation - with Christian influences. For more detailed info, visit the above link, but generally the ICCW is an organisation that espouses Wiccan beliefs and practices, with some Christian elements (such as the belief in forgiving others, and belief in Jesus). Peace!